::Hip! Hip! Hooray!!! Thank you, dear Blog Inventer::
Like you, I have been privy to closely-guarded thoughts an' feelings. With friendship comes an ever increasing sense of trust. It is amazing to me that this community can be so open an' loving. We are indeed blessed to have the camaraderie that we share.
Then, there is the dark-side of our world. Some people hide their private lives in the anonymity of lovely words. Until one day, those words are spoken that make both parties uncomfortable. P'rhaps it has to do with political views. Maybe religion steps up to drive a wedge of misunderstanding. Or one person's past might be considered less-than-acceptable to the other an' when the truth comes out, there is suddenly a sense of uneasiness or embarrassment. Without understanding between the two, this sense of uncertainty could eventually separate people who had previously developed such affection an' devotion for each other.
I always hope that I will never find myself in any of the aforementioned situations. If I do, however, I like to think that I have an open mind; that no one's history can plant the seed of judgement in my heart. Again, I like to think that my reaction would be one of love an' acceptance for someone else's political views, religious persuasions or professional preference. Prejudice is indeed a tough challenge for us all. Are you beginning to get a feel for where this conversation is going?
Naturally, we all hafta' face the demons of decision, eventually. I faced one of my demons jus' two days ago, when a dear friend announced in casual conversation that she had chosen a profession that din't necessarily meet with my endorsement.
She said, "I was a street walker for over ten years, the little blue shorts and all that. My favorite job ever!!!"
Talk about a Sucker-Punch! How do you respond to that? How would you? Would this friendship suddenly become unacceptable? Could you write back an' show real concern, while maintaining the close relationship that you have built-up, over time? Or, would the knowledge of your friend's past profession be the wedge to guide your thoughts? Would you read, delete an' walk away? As you can see, I had many choices; many uncomfortable choices. P'rhaps you would have felt differently, but I found myself swamped in thoughts of pure consternation; 'How do I react? What is my responsibility in this conversation? What if I choose to keep quiet? Would my lack of response cause hurt feelings? It was not an easy night for me.
Highlighted below is a small part of our conversation, after the initial shocking declaration:
[My words are highlighted in pink. Hers are in yellow].
Remember, she jus' finished saying, "I was a street walker for over ten years, the little blue shorts and all that. My favorite job ever!!!"

"I am rolling!!!! I was a city letter carrier with the blue uniform for the postal service!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not think I would enjoy being an actual STREET WALKER!!! It was my favorite job with the postal service. To be outside and one on one with the customers. Many days, my lunch break was spent sweeping the snow off someone's porch or helping them weed their flowers, or just talking in the shade with a cold drink of water."
"I can't believe that!!! You really can roll with the punches, you picked up that ball and carried it for a touch down. I am still laughing!!!!!! You are very wrong, though, I do not think I would enjoy that job at all!!!! What would you do on your day off, stand up for a while???? Nope, don't think I could ever do that job!!!"
My friend's next words let me know that I had failed neither her, nor myself. "You did very well with your response. Non-judgmental, supportive, and took it in stride as if I had told you I worked at Wal Mart. You are a true, loving person...you made God proud."
Being the sports addict that you all know I am, I soon sent a reply. "I forgot to add that I don't think it can be considered a proper touchdown if I try to sink that football into the basket when I get it to the goal post. I am still rolling on the floor in laughter."
Which game did you say we are watching? Football or basketball?
Note: I jus' received this update from my friend an' I'm passing it on to you: "Street walker is my name for it, it wasn't a widely used term. Someone asked me what I did one time, and I said I was a city carrier. They asked, like Typhoid Mary? I laughed and told them I was a street walker, instead of doing the males, I did the mail."
Until the next time, keep a hug on.
~ Yaya