Recent changes make it necessary for me to move to a new home on the World Wide Web because trying to figure out summa' the strange new quirks about Blogger has kept me from being able to stay up-to-date with tasks that I used to find simple. I have learned much here, but in the process of learning, I've also come to realize that sometimes change is necessary for improvement.
I'll be packing up soon an' carrying alla' my blogging paraphernalia to my big, new spacious home across the way. Please come with me an' join in the fun as I stretch my legs an' allow for even more growth. I have loved blogging. It has been... an' always will be a way for me to share summa' the high's an' low's 'bout life an' I'd love to finally get back to sharing it with you. After all, everything is more fun with friends an' I feel that you are my friends.
In a couple 'uh weeks, I'll be closing the door on Blogger an' gettin' comfortable in my new 'Digs' over at Yaya's Home at WordPress. I do hope you will be there to help me feel as at home an' loved as you have made me feel here. Thank you all for the many ways you've contributed to my life an' my joy.
Until the next time, keep a hug on.

Photo Credit: http://mrg.bz/XjpsoK Goodbye Birds By Elemenoperica at morguefile.com
Photo Credit: http://mrg.bz/PG5KqZGoodbye World By AnitaPatterson at morguefile.com