I'm sure you all must think that I've dropped off the end of the world. Unfortunately, illness continues an' I feel like a skeleto
n in the blogging community. But worse than that is the fact that my computer croaked and I'm having to borrow any time I get on the computer. It seems that if it isn't six of one thing goin' wrong, it's half-a-dozen of another. If you will just bear with me a couple more weeks, I'm pretty sure I will be getting a new computer an' hopefully, I'll be well by then. I only have a few minutes on the computer, today. If you have commented or emailed me please understand that I am unable to reply until I can get my new computer. I value each an' every one of you an' hope you won't forget me whilst I cannot be around very much. I am, of course, also unable to read any blogs or comment, but I will be back soon. Don't forget me 'cause I sure have not forgotten you. Thanks for unnerstanding.

Until the next time, keep a hug on.