Ya' ever notice how fear is like this living, breathing thing that somehow manages to invade a person's thoughts an' purposes? I've been fighting that dreadful little demon for such a long time. 'Course, I didn't recognize that I was doin' battle. It just sorta' eased in an' made itself comfortable, all the while, keeping me from doin' those things that I enjoy an' wanted to do.
Take, for instance, Blogging. I really loved blogging when I used to write on my blog, a long time ago. Then, I started tryin' to run a bit faster than my legs wanted to carry me an', pretty soon, I realized that I had lost control, somewhere along the way. Did I pick myself up, dust myself off an' jump back into the race? Well... yes an' no, actually.
I mean, here I am, trying to set the pace an' go again, but it took me awhile to face the fears of whatever it was I was afraid of. Hopefully, ya'll can find it in your hearts to forgive me for bein' away for so long? I hope so, anyway. I've really missed our chats an' such. I look forward to gettin' comfortable, again, an' settling back in.
Ya'll have a good day, y'hear? Until the next time, keep a hug on.

~ Yaya
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