Are you someone who saves old pillow socks, even when they no longer match anything? You are? Oh, good! Then, you are gonna' love making this gift. The nice thing about this is that you can make these, even if you only have pillow socks for those very small travel pillows. In fact, if you have two pillow socks of different sizes, you may wish to make a pair.
Here are the supplies you'll need:
One clean, used Pillow Sock
Two clean, used Washcloths
One clean, used Towel
One clean, used Ankle Sock
Twine or yarn, in colors, if possible
Next, using the twine or yarn, close the pillow sock around the outside of what is now the doll's head. Roll the second washcloth the same way you did the first and place it from one corner of the pillow sock to the other corner. Again using the string, secure the arms at the shoulders.
After securing the arms, fold the towel in half, as if you were going to begin folding it and putting it away. Then, fold it about two-thirds up, the same direction, until you feel that it is a good size for a doll's body. Insert, lengthwise, into the pillow sock. Below the chest area, tie the string around the body to create the effect of a buxom. Lift the skirt and secure the lower part of the towel with the string so it won't come loose.
The reason I didn't create a face is two-fold. One, I believe in encouraging imagination whenever possible and two, when the doll gets dirty, she can be taken apart, washed and rebuilt without worrying about making sure the face is in the right place.
A poem, a story and some games,
Day four, give glory when you pray.
But for Day Five your Christmas gift
Will hold a treasure with a kiss.
This is a darling idea. Back in the day some mom's made 'handkerchief dolls' - similar idea - so that young children could bring them to church and no sound would be made if they fell to the floor.
Thank you. That's sort of where I got the idea. I wanted to make it so it didn't have to be sewn and big enough so a small child could feel very involved. I think they actually called those Church Dolls. ~ Yaya
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