A few years ago, when I first started blogging, I was totally entranced with the whole idea of blogging. I love the fact that we can meet people from around the country an' around the world an' actually develop friendships with those new people. Having traveled much in my life, I can completely embrace that whole concept.
Then on January 26, 2012, I made a major change which simply did not work for me. I chose to write on a different website an', for me, the results were nuthin' short of devastating. I realize that others have made that same change, with great success, but I feel more comfortable here... at my home on Blogspot.
Now that I am back, I feel as if I am tryin' to clean up after some great destruction; a hurricane or a tornado or some other disaster. No, nuthin' has changed internally; my home on the web is still intact. However, I have been away for a long time an' everything feels so strange.
There's the last post I wrote in 2012, where I thought I was sayin' goodbye forever to this blog. It looks so lonely as I gently run my hand over its surface. I turn a few pages an' see pictures of my physical home; inside an' out. It's like living in a park, where I am. Then, there's the interview I did with Donna Nordmark Aviles, where we talked about her books an' the Orphan Trains that her daddy traveled on.
Oh! I almost forgot the post where I showed you the bats that were living in my basement an' attic an' other parts of my house. I'm sure glad my good hubby-buddy was able to take control of THAT situation. B'lieve me, I did NOT like knowing that we had "Bats in the Belfry".
Tee-Hee. I jus' saw the post where I shared "Why the Cow Jumped Over the Moon". There it is; that feeling of bein' home, again. I jus' knew if I looked around long enough, I would start to feel that warmth that can only come when you go back home. I don't think I'll be leaving here again. In fact, I plan on hanging around for a long, l-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-n-g time. I sure hope you will stop in for a visit, from time to time.
Until the next time, keep a hug on.
~ Yaya
Photo courtesy of Clkr