Around where I live, there are lotsa' people who go to auctions.
Just last month, there was a nearly-new van sold for only a few hunnerd dollars. Lemme' tell you, that was one happy group who bid on that one. I like goin' to auctions on accounta' I sometimes get some pretty good deals. I also like goin' to find the types of things I can't find in your average, run-of-the-mill shopping center; things like little collections that remind me of my gramma'.
Years ago, when I went to my first auction, it was quite a shock to my system to realize how many treasures could be had an' how
many people wanted to take my new-found treasures from me. One of the first things my good hubby-buddy ever bought for me at auction was a treadle sewing machine. My, how I did love that machine. In fact, I used to sit at that machine for hours, with my babies at my knees. I would be happily sewin' up some fun item, whilst they sat on the treadle an' rocked it back an' forth for me.

I finally wore that ol' sewing machine out, after years an' years of havin' yards an' yards of material fun. It was kinda' sad when my machine quit. I've never found another one that I could work quite as well as I was able to work that one. I sometimes wish that companies would go back into the business of manufacturing summa' those really nice treadle sewing machines, again. Seems like there are lotsa' people who would prefer to use summa' those easy-to-use, no-gadgets-to-mess-up tools from long ago. *sigh*
Until the next time, keep a hug on.